Win At Love Mastery

The Only 5-Step Method Proven to Help You Date with Confidence, Attract Your True Equal Partner, and Create a Healthy Love That Lasts

(without wasting time on dating apps or dating all the wrong men)

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Your Ultimate Guide to Meeting Your Ideal Match Fast -

11 Expert Tips to Master The Online Dating Game


“As of Christmas, Michael and I are officially engaged! Thank you so much for all your support, a great coaching experience, and for helping me create this amazing relationship! Without your help I never would have been able to let go of past Ex’s, heal, and create a clear vision for the kind of relationship I wanted.” ~Joan & Michael

Ready to step into a fun, thriving dating life that leads to the best, most gratifying relationship of your entire life and finally say goodbye to heartbreak and loneliness for good?

What if I told you it was possible to…

Magnetize the RIGHT man and create your happiest ever after more quickly and effortlessly than you thought possible?

Does this sound familiar…?

• You’re actively dating…but it seems harder than you remember and you’re frustrated because you’re not attracting high-quality men, not getting 2nd dates, or getting ghosted.

• You still haven’t met Mr. Right despite of all the time, and energy you’ve invested trying to find him…And you’re starting to wonder if you ever will.

• You’re exhausted from the dating apps; the fruitless swiping, weeding through time-wasting matches, sending messages that go nowhere, disconnected, one-date-washouts that end in disappointment, and spinning your wheels without results.

• You keep trying to piece together all the random (and often conflicting) dating strategies you find online, which only leaves you feeling more confused.

Or, maybe…

• You haven’t tried dating yet because you feel unsure or intimidated about how to confidently date again and you feel nervous about getting online to find the soulmate you long for.

"Getting out there and dating" isn’t a winning dating strategy…it's a setup for failure and heartache.
You feel uncertain and confused about how to navigate the dating world.
In Fact, Some Days…?

• You lie awake at night feeling the loneliness, asking yourself “Will I ever find love again?”

• You’re tired of wasting time on dates that go nowhere with men who don’t measure up.

• You don’t understand why the men you’re interested in don’t pursue you, but the ones you aren’t interested in do.

• You’re burnt out from dating apps and wish you could meet someone in real life (IRL)

• You’ve begun to dread online dating. Actually, you hate it because it makes you feel insecure and anxious.

• You’re starting to lose confidence, wondering if maybe there’s something wrong with you and if you’ll be alone for the rest of your life.

I want you to know: None of this is your fault.
How can you possibly know what NO ONE ever taught you about love, dating, men & relationships?

Once you’ve been burned, you’re less inclined to play with fire.

Love, being vulnerable, possibly getting your heart broken into a million pieces, is scary…

But What If It Didn’t Have To Be That Way?
Just Imagine…


• Feeling confident in how to navigate ALL the stages of dating…and actually enjoying the process without second guessing or overthinking.

• Becoming undeniable, irresistible and a magnet for quality men who are emotionally available, treat you like a queen and want a commitment.

• Knowing how to write a completely authentic online profile that “Stands Out” to the right men and repels the wrong ones.

• Trusting yourself to pick the right man for a healthy, fulfilling, lasting, and deeply connected love more quickly and effortlessly than you thought possible

• Having a proven method that could fast-track you from one-date-washouts, to your dream relationship without all the guesswork, overwhelm, disappointment, or heartbreak?

• Feeling happier, sexier, and genuinely confident and living every day enjoying the most gratifying relationship of your life with your best friend and soulmate.

• Going from single to…a totally transformed woman ready for your perfect match in 90 days and the most gratifying relationship of your entire life.

Introducing… Win At Love Mastery

The Only 5-Step Method Proven to Help You Date with Confidence, Attract Your True Equal Partner, and Create a Healthy Love That Lasts (without wasting time on dating apps or dating all the wrong men)



I magnetized my soulmate husband Greg, 30 years ago, after my painful divorce, navigating the dating world as a single mom, using the same Win At Love Method I now teach my clients.

When I became a matchmaker, I discovered a BIG problem.

Some of the women I matched, with men that checked off all their boxes, and I do mean ALL of them, came back to me after the relationship ended, admitting they might have unknowingly sabotaged the relationship.

The lightbulb went off and I said to myself, “Why don’t I teach the same principles I used to create the healthiest most loving relationship I ever had to help the women I matched overcome THEIR hidden love blocks?"

So, I took everything I learned, all these tools, techniques, practices & manifesting principles and organized it all into a step-by-step method. 

The results after I put these women through my 5-step Win At Love Method®?

Magical. ✨

When I rematched them, their relationships stood the test of time and it changed their love life for good.


I had so much fun coaching these remarkable women and witnessing their transformations that I transitioned into date coaching full time to empower other women and help them change their love life for good too.

And now it’s my mission and passion to help YOU do the same!

Whether you’re recovering from divorce, widowed, still not over your ex, tired of dates that go nowhere, or ready to get married, you’re in the right place.


See you inside,


“Yesterday I celebrated my 3rd anniversary of my first date with my fiancé thanks to Gail’s brilliant coaching and unfailing encouragement! I still have my letter to my future self and always smile with amazement when I reread it and am reminded that every good wish in that story came true!! I will forever be thankful to you Gail for facilitating our manifestation and the gift of happiness and togetherness that I had longed for.” ~Mary-Ann

By the End Of Win At Love Mastery You’ll Have…

✅  Nailed down with 100% CLARITY what THE perfect-for-YOU man and relationship looks like, so you can rule out relationships that go nowhere sooner and stop wasting your time, love & energy on the WRONG men.

✅  Cleared your emotional love blocks for good, healed past hurts & ended your unhealthy love patterns with men, so you can get the loving relationship you desire and deserve.

✅  Stepped into your power as a HIGH VALUE, totally EMPOWERED woman, who loves herself and never settles, chases, or pushes, but consciously chooses men from a place of confidence & self-awareness.

✅  Created a “Stand Out” dating profile that is completely authentic so you only attract the RIGHT men.

✅  Identified your needs and how to express them so you can set healthy boundaries that make you feel safe and supported.

✅  Learned how to date with total confidence, clarity & certainty so that dating is FUN and easy from the first date to your committed relationship.

Hear From Happy Clients


Hear how Janice fixed her “man picker” and is in the best relationship of her life after meeting her special man the same week she launched her dating profile.


Hear how Tracey went from avoidant and afraid to invest in her love life to the best relationship of her life.

Hear how Janice fixed her “man picker” and is in the best relationship of her life after meeting her special man the same week she launched her dating profile.

Hear how Tracey went from avoidant and afraid to invest in her love life to the best relationship of her life.

Want a glimpse into what’s possible for you?

Check out these TESTIMONIALS from my clients who took action to create a rewarding love life:  

Attracting healthy love ISN'T luck.

It's a LEARNABLE skillset you were never taught.

My Proven Win At Love Method® has helped my clients to fearlessly attract high-quality men, stop settling, and finally feel loved, adored & valued!


How I Support You


Instant Access to the Complete 5-Step WALM Program with 6 In-Depth Core Training Modules with 50+ videos. (New Modules Are Released Every 7 days To Maximize Your Results & Ensure Your Success!).


Weekly Evening Q & A Hotseats Where You Get Hands-On Coaching from Gail Identifying Blind Spots and Stuck Points, Amplifying What’s Working, & Immediate Next Best Steps.


Tap Into an Inspiring Sisterhood of Like-Minded Women Who Will Lift You Up and Cheer You On! AND Get ALL Your Daily Questions Answered with Custom Tailored Guidance So You Feel Supported In Between Our Live Calls.


All calls are recorded and when you submit your questions in advance you can catch the replay so you never miss a thing.

Enroll Now

Take a Peek Into The Modules

enroll today and you'll also receive these

Exclusive Bonuses

Lifetime Access + Lifetime Updates
($2,997 Value)

Every Win At Love Mastery student gets lifetime access to the 6-Module program AND lifetime updates
so you can rest easy knowing you're always implementing the most current, innovative dating strategies and emotional processing tools.

3 Months + 1 Bonus Month (4 Months Total) of Group Coaching & Support
($1,997 Value)

This isn't some DIY course where we send you a login and throw you to the wolves. I want you to feel supported every step of your journey, which is why I'm including 4 months of group coaching inside our private student community.

3 Months + 1 Bonus Month (4 Months Total) of WEEKLY Live Q&As with Gail
($1,997 Value)

While Gail is in the group answering questions DAILY, we know some questions require a deeper conversation. That's why you'll also get to join Gail LIVE each week for an 'ask-me-anything' video Q&A (yes, replays are included!)

Empowered Dating Toolkit
($697 Value)

There's a BIG difference between an average dating profile, and a dating profile that stands out to attract YOUR ideal man. Get Gail’s customizable dating profile templates (2 full length & 2 mini’s for apps) that have helped her private clients attract the RIGHT men + messaging secrets to move it to a date fast + must-ask qualifying & icebreaker questions to bypass timewasters.

Red Flag Detector Workshop
($297 Value)

Never miss, dismiss or ignore a subtle red flag again so you can easily spot toxic and timewasting men forever.

Attachment Styles Demystified Workshop
($297 Value)

Figure out exactly which attachment style you have and how to identify attachment styles in your romantic partners so you can pick a complimentary style and stop wasting time on bad partners. Finally, understand why you feel chemistry with some men while other men seem boring (who are actually a better match for you). Or why you seem to attract the same wrong for you man. You’ll date smarter and avoid future heartbreak once you realize the science behind attachment styles.

Big Life Vision Workshop
($297 Value)

Clarify your compelling future first—looking at your life from 7 different categories—so you can drill down and discover what’s truly important in creating your remarkable life. This allows you more certainty when choosing the very best man who aligns with your vision and values.

Breathwork Breakthrough
($297 Value)

This powerful somatic tool helps you to breakthrough your blind spots faster, find clarity, and heal your heart after just one session. Women who have done breathwork before have shared that they’ve never experienced anything so profound as this.

Dating Profile Review: Paid In Full Bonus
($997 Value)

Receive a complete Personalized Dating Profile Video Review. Gail will personally go through up to 100 photos, select the top photos + share the optimal order to put them in and then go over your bio line by line with helpful suggestions on how to make improvements so it’s optimized and attracting YOUR ideal man.

Win At Love Mastery Is Perfect For You If…

✔️ You realize that dating apps aren’t a magic potion and you’re ready to find your man but you can’t figure out what’s going wrong.

✔️ You’re discouraged about being single and are eager to attract the healthiest, most fulfilling relationship you’ve ever had but can’t seem to figure out how to do that.

✔️ You realize finding a dream relationship takes work and know you have some inner soul work to do to get ready.

✔️ You have no idea how to date online or off…and do so with so much self-doubt, insecurity, and anxiety.

✔️ You’re frustrated because you keep attracting the same wrong-for-you men in spite of all the work you’ve done on yourself; fixer uppers, emotionally unavailable men, men who won’t commit, takers.

✔️ You don’t have time to waste on something that won’t work and you're so done trying to piece together all the random, broken & confusing strategies you've learned online.

“Gail is such an amazing coach! If you’re willing to dig deep, you will get so much out of her program…not only will you learn amazing dating skills and meet plenty of great men, but also clear out so much of the old programming that has been holding you back in life. I was truly shocked, by doing the work, how quickly my confidence soared in Gail’s program. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Gail!” ~Sheryl


— Lifetime Access + Updates to The Complete Win AT Love Mastery Program with 6 In-Depth Core Training Modules - $3,897 Value

— BONUS: *4 Months of Unlimited Support, Inside My Win at Love Mastery Community, to get ALL your daily questions answered with custom tailored guidance ($1997 Value)

— BONUS: *4 Months of WEEKLY Live Q&A Coaching Hotseats with Gail ($1997 Value)

— BONUS: Empowered Dating Toolkit: 4 Fail-Proof, Done-For-You Plug & Play Dating Profile Templates, + Messaging Secrets to Move It To A Date Fast, + Must Ask Qualifying & Icebreaker Questions ($697 Value)

— BONUS: Red Flag Detector Workshop: Never Miss or Dismiss A Subtle Red Flag Again So You Can Easily Spot Toxic & Timewasting Men ($297 Value)  

— BONUS: Attachment Styles Demystified Workshop: Never Date The Wrong Type Of Man Again And Become A More Secure Dater ($297 Value)

— BONUS: Big-Life Vision Workshop: Bring Your Dreams To Life Clarifying Your Compelling Future For Yourself First ($297 Value)

— BONUS: Breathwork Breakthrough: A Powerful Somatic Tool That Helps You Breakthrough Your Blind Spots, Find Clarity, And Heal Your Heart Faster ($297 Value)

— BONUS: Inspiring Private Community of Like-Minded Women Who Will Lift You Up and Cheer You On ($900 Value)

When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of $10,676


But you can join Win At Love Mastery for

A limited time for just …


Expiring Soon: Get Gail’s Personalized Dating Profile Video Review (including photos) so it’s optimized and attracting YOUR ideal man Valued at $997 FREE When You Pay in Full With Either Package.

Got Questions? I have Answers



Expiring Soon: Get Gail’s Personalized Dating Profile Video Review (including photos) so it’s optimized and attracting YOUR ideal man Valued at $997 FREE When You Pay in Full With Either Package.